Friday, June 18, 2010

Alice Waters's Pesto Sauce

From Jenny Also Cooks

I may have decided on Nathaniel's Special Sauce, but there is still sauce to be made!

Our garden has expanded exponentially this year, and with that comes an abundance of basil. To keep it growing healthy, it must be picked before it decides to turn to seed. One of the best uses I know for basil is pesto, and I turned to Alice Waters in The Art of Simple Food, because her recipes have never steered me wrong. It was delicious - simple and fresh - although I made it in the food processor since I didn't have a mortar and pestle.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Special Sauce in the Twitterverse

One of the people I follow in Twitter is arjunbasu because he writes 140 character stories. I adore them.

I just read the one he posted five hours ago, and I hope he doesn't mind me putting in my very own special sauce blog!

"Tomatoes littered the area. The place reeked of an imagined violence. The cops arrived. I just want to make my special sauce, Jim explained."

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Creamy Red Pepper-Feta Sauce

From Special Sauce

This recipe comes from Healthy Appetite with Ellie Krieger. I'm not sure it is that healthy, looking at the fat content, but it was delicious, and a nice change from tomato and parmesan sauces.

Tomato Sauce with Butter and Onion

From Special Sauce

This has been pervading the blogosphere, and I couldn't resist trying it and blogging it. I came across it at Smitten Kitchen, where you will find far better photos and the recipe itself. This is a great pantry staple - all you need is an onion, one can of Italian tomatoes, and some butter! For the simplicity of ingredients, it was delicious, although maybe not as good as "Nathaniel Sauce." Also easy to make while doing other things, so bonus. And I left it chunky since the tomatoes break down quite a bit!