Thursday, October 2, 2008


Last year, I created tea blends for Nathaniel for Christmas. This year he requested his very own tomato sauce. The kind for pastas, pizza, etc. I thought it would be fun to blog the sauces that I've tried as I develop super sauce skills.

If you have any great sauce recipes that you want to share, I'd love to hear them.

I think after the holidays are over, this could turn into a blog about other sauces, but until December 25, this is all about tomato.


LadyT said...

um, you totally have to start playing Kingdom of Loathing now (it's free! as a Sauceror.

ALIMONY said...

i seen NUNZIO TOMATO SAUCE - My name is NUNZIO - did you copy my recipe - please email me back to respond as BAGLIERE@GMAIL.COM or NUNZIO61@VERIZON.NET Thanks Nunzio Bagliere Syracuse N.Y